・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
<Japanese> Never Disappearing - Between Art and Design [Shobunsha (May, 2017)] Sato Naoki
・Type of literary work:
The book ( general book )
・Form of literary work:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
Reviews and articles
<Japanese> Crossing as the source of the value of art [Mori Art Museum ROPPONGI CROSSING 2007: FUTURE BEATS IN JAPANESE CONTEMPORARY ART (Oct, 2007)] Sato Naoki
・Type of review/article:
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
<Japanese> SIAF Design Project [Sapporo International Art Festival Executive Committee / City of Sapporo Sapporo International Art Festival 2017 Document (Mar, 2018)]
・Type of review/article:
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):