Tama Art University Open Access Faculty Database

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Results 381 - 390 of about 567

NAKAO Noriko [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design center of liberal arts
NAKAO Noriko female 2-1779 Yarimizu,Hachioji,Tokyo Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design center of liberal arts Part-time lecturer Part-time l
NAGASAKI Tsunao [ Professor ] - Updated July 21, 2021
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Integrated Design
NAGASAKI Tsunao male 1970年05月15日 3-15-34 Kaminoge Setagaya-ku Tokyo Japan +81-3-3702-1148 +81-3-3702-1169 http://www.tamabi.ac.jp/integrated/ nagasaki
NAGASAWA Masahiko [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Nov 08, 2018
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Graphic Design
NAGASAWA Masahiko male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Graphic Design Part-time lecturer Tama Art University Faculty of Fi
nakajima isshu [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Mar 21, 2020
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course
nakajima isshu male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course Part-time lecturer Ta
NAKAJIMA hideki [ Associate Professor ] - Updated Nov 06, 2023
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design center of liberal arts
NAKAJIMA hideki male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design center of liberal arts Associate Professor The University of Tokyo Faculty of Liter
nakajima yusuke [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Mar 18, 2018
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
nakajima yusuke male http://www.post-books.jp/ Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lect
NAKATA Kiyoshi [ Professor ] - Updated May 26, 2019
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course
NAKATA Kiyoshi male 1964年06月04日 2-1723 Yarimizu,Hachioji,Tokyo +81-42-679-5624 +81-42-676-8463 http://www.tamabi.ac.jp/dept/pd/index.htm k-nakata@tama
nagata kosuke [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
nagata kosuke male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lecturer Tokyo National Universi
nagata toshinobu [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Art Studies
nagata toshinobu male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Art Studies Part-time lecturer Chuo University Faculty of General Po
nakatani michiko [ Associate Professor ] - Updated July 06, 2019
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
nakatani michiko female Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Associate Professor Tama Art University Faculty of Fine

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