Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
Aesthetics/history of art
Foreign language education
Field of study (ReaD) *ReaD = Directory Database of Research and Development Activities
Art History
Other Foreign Languages and Literatures
Research activities
Academic papers
<The in addition, foreign language> A reconsideration of the mosaics in the Scarsella of the Florentine Baptistery: Conditions of preservation [Medieval Art, Anno IV(n.2) (Oct, 1992) 69 - 90]
・Type of publication:
Academic Journal
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
Aesthetics/history of art
Literary works
<Japanese> History of Italian Art [(Mar, 2015)]
・Type of literary work:
The book ( general book )
・Form of literary work:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
History of thought, Aesthetics/history of art, Western history
<Japanese> Raphael - Works and era - [Kawade shobo shinsya (Dec, 2017)] Hiroaki MATSUURA, Michiaki KOSHIKAWA, Noriyuki KAI, Maria FUKADA
・Type of literary work:
The book ( the science book )
・Form of literary work:
The multiple authorship
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):