Teaching achievements and activities


mug shot
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design
Department of Architecture and Environmental Design
Date of Birth July 07, 1954 / male
Short CV
Undergraduate education: university / department / major
  1. Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music・Faculty of Fine Arts・Architecuture Major
    ・Type of school
    ・Date of graduation
    Mar, 1978
    ・Graduation classification
Graduate education: university / department / major
  1. The University of Tokyo・Graduate School, Division of Engineering
    ・Completion of course
    Master Course
    ・Date of completion
    Mar, 1980
    ・Completion classification
  2. Yale University・School of Architecture・Post Professional Architecture Major
    ・Completion of course
    Master Course
    ・Date of completion
    Apr, 1983
    ・Completion classification
Degrees acquired
  1. Master of Architecture
    ・Name of degree
    Architectural history/design
    ・Name of awarding institution
    Yale University School of Architecture
    ・Method of acquisition
    ・Date of acquisition
    Mar, 1983
  2. Master of Engineering
    ・Name of degree
    Architectural history/design
    ・Name of awarding institution
    The University of Tokyo
    ・Method of acquisition
    ・Date of acquisition
    Mar, 1980

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Employment history (Tama Art University)
  1. Tama Art University Abolition organization Design Department
    Associate Professor (Apr, 1998 - Mar, 1999)
  2. Tama Art University Abolition organization Department of Communication Design
    Associate Professor (Apr, 1999 - Mar, 2007)
  3. Tama Art University Abolition organization Department of Communication Design
    Associate Professor (Apr, 2007 - Mar, 2009)
  4. Tama Art University Abolition organization Department of Communication Design
    Professor (Apr, 2009 - Mar, 2017)
  5. Tama Art University  Faculty of Art and Design Department of Architecture and Environmental Design
    Professor (Apr, 2017 -  )
Employment history (other)
  1. Arata Isozaki & Associates (Apr, 1980 - Aug, 1981)
  2. Edward Larrabee Barnes & Associates (New York) Architect (May, 1983 - Mar, 1985)
  3. Masahiro Horiuchi & Associates Architect City Planning (Apr, 1985 - Mar, 1987)
  4. Archisoft Architects and Planners CEO (Apr, 1987 - Mar, 1995)
  5. Toshikobo Architects and Planners CEO (Apr, 1995 -  )

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Association/Committee membership
  1. The City Planning Institute of Japan (Apr, 1987 -  ) [JAPAN]
  2. Japan Association for Planning Administration (Apr, 1992 -  ) [JAPAN]

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Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
  1. information design
  2. City planning/architectural planning

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Field of study (ReaD) *ReaD = Directory Database of Research and Development Activities
  1. Urban planning
  2. Public information systems

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Research activities
Research history
  1. Study on Social Media Design (Apr, 2001 -  )
    ・Research project keyword
    Social Innovation
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Media informatics/data base, Area studies
    ・Field of study code (ReaD category)
    Study of Information System (including Library and Information Science), Wide Area
    ・Type of research
    International Collaboration
    ・Research organization
    The Other Research Programs
    ・Research contents
  2. Sustainable Design (Apr, 1998 -  )
    ・Research project keyword
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Environmental technology/environmental material, Environmental agriculture, Earth resources system engineering
    ・Field of study code (ReaD category)
    Natural energy, Urban planning
    ・Type of research
    ・Research organization
    The Other Research Programs
    ・Research contents
  1. Hibiya Chanter Plaza (Dec, 1987)
    ・Work classification
    Architectural works
    ・Type of work
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Architectural history/design
  2. Yokohama Port Side Area Re-development (Dec, 1993)
    ・Work classification
    Architectural works
    ・Type of work
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Area studies, Civil engineering environmental system, Architectural history/design
  3. SHARE OKUSAWA (July, 2013)
    ・Work classification
    Architectural works
    ・Type of work
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
Academic papers
  1. <Japanese>
    Tokyo Green Belt Project [(23) (Mar, 2009)] Masahiro Horiuchi
    ・Type of publication
    Bulletin of University, Institute, etc
    ・Type of collaboration
    The multiple authorship
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Environmental technology/environmental material, Area studies, Earth resources system engineering
  2. <Japanese>
    Study on Louis I Kahn [(Mar, 1980)] Masahiro Horiuchi
    ・Type of publication
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Philosophy/ethics, Architectural history/design
Literary works
  1. <Japanese>
    Edward Larrabee Barnes [Kajima Publishing Institute (Sep, 1984)] Masahiro Horiuchi
    ・Type of literary work
    The book ( general book )
    ・Form of literary work
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  2. <Japanese>
    Let's Green Map [Mirai Green Map Office (June, 2004)] Masahiro Horiuchi, Aika Nakashima
    ・Type of literary work
    The book ( general book )
    ・Form of literary work
    The multiple authorship
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Environmental impact assessment/environmental policy, Area studies, Pedagogy
  3. <Japanese>
    Practical Usage of Visual Simulation for Landscape Design (jointly worked) [Kogyo Chosakai (May, 1996)]  
    ・Type of literary work
    The book ( the science book )
    ・Form of literary work
    The multiple authorship
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Media informatics/data base, Environmental impact assessment/environmental policy, Civil engineering environmental system
Reviews and articles
  1. <Japanese>
    Bicycle Green Map [Asahi Publishing Company AERA (Aug, 2002)] Masahiro Horiuchi
    ・Type of review/article
    The commerce magazine
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Area studies, Traffic engineering, land planning
  2. <Japanese>
    Bicycle Environment overseas [Kurashi no Techo publishing company Kurashi no Techo (July, 2002)] Masahiro Horiuchi
    ・Type of review/article
    The commerce magazine
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Area studies, Traffic engineering, land planning
Research reports
  1. Towards A Sustainable City
    ・Type of conference
    The international conference
    Mar, 2008
    ・Form of publication
    The oral ( generality )
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Media informatics/data base, Civil engineering environmental system
  2. Make Tokyo a Sustainable City
    ・Type of conference
    The international conference
    Apr, 2008 - Apr, 2008
    ・Form of publication
    The symposium workshop panel ( public offering )
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Traffic engineering, land planning, Architectural environment/equipment
Other research activities
  1. Design direction of "Critical Note" (Sep, 2007 - Dec, 2008)
    ・Type of research activity
Industrial property
    ・Type of industrial property
    The trademark
    ・Name of patent holder
    Masahiro Horiuchi
    ・Date of application

    ・Application number
    ・Public access number
    ・Date of registration
    May 01, 2015
    ・Registration number
    ・Country of application
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
Academic awards
  1. BCS Prize
    Oct, 1989 (JAPAN)
    ・Type of prize
    Prizes such as publisher and newspaper company and foundation
    ・Name of winning individual / group
    Takenaka Corporation
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Environmental impact assessment/environmental policy, Architectural history/design
  2. Good Design Award
    Oct 01, 2007 (JAPAN)
    ・Type of prize
    International science prize of domestic and overseas
    ・Name of winning individual / group
    Masahiro Horiuchi, Urban Ecology Tokyo
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Media informatics/data base, Geography, Area studies
  3. eco japan cup 2007
    Dec 07, 2007 (JAPAN)
    ・Type of prize
    Prizes such as publisher and newspaper company and foundation
    ・Name of winning individual / group
    Masahiro Horiuchi, Urban Ecology Tokyo
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
    Media informatics/data base, Environmental impact assessment/environmental policy, Area studies
Funded research
  1. Mirai Green Map Project
    ・Research period
    June, 2004 -  
    ・Type of funded research
    The general consignment study
Social activities
Other administrative activities
  1. Saitama Prefecture Townscape inquiry Commission committee (Apr, 2013 -  )
Recommended URLs
  1. Urban Ecology Home
    Our reserch theme on communication design and other topics are open to public.
    ・ReaD research general classification
    Interdisciprinary Area
  2. Green Network
    ・ReaD research general classification
    Interdisciprinary Area
  3. Tokyo Cycling Green Map
    Information needed for bicycle users are exchanged on line.
    ・ReaD research general classification
    Information Engineering

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Updated Jan 06, 2017

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