Teaching achievements and activities


mug shot
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design
center of liberal arts
Short CV
Undergraduate education: university / department / major
  1. Hitotsubashi University・Faculty of Sociology
    ・Type of school
    ・Date of graduation
    Mar, 1999
    ・Graduation classification
Graduate education: university / department / major
  1. Hitotsubashi University・Graduate School, Division of Sociology
    ・Completion of course
    Master Course
    ・Date of completion
    Mar, 2001
    ・Completion classification
  2. Hitotsubashi University・Graduate School, Division of Sociology
    ・Completion of course
    Doctor Course
    ・Date of completion
    June, 2008
    ・Completion classification
Degrees acquired
  1. Doctor (Sociology)
    ・Name of degree
    Cultural Anthropology
    ・Name of awarding institution
    Hitotsubashi University
    ・Method of acquisition
    ・Date of acquisition
    June, 2008
Employment history (Tama Art University)
  1. Tama Art University Abolition organization General Education
    Lecturer (Apr, 2008 - Mar, 2012)
  2. Tama Art University Abolition organization General Education
    Associate Professor (Apr, 2012 - Mar, 2014)
  3. Tama Art University  Faculty of Art and Design center of liberal arts
    Associate Professor (Apr, 2014 - Mar, 2021)
  4. Tama Art University  Faculty of Art and Design center of liberal arts
    Professor (Apr, 2021 -  )
Employment history (other)
  1. New School University, Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Sceince (Nov, 2002 - Sep, 2004)
  2. Columbia University, The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures Teaching Associate (Sep, 2003 - May, 2004)
  3. Institute for the Study of Global Issues, Graduate School of Social Scences, Hitotsubashi University Part-time lecturer (Apr, 2009 -  )
  4. Chuo University (Apr, 2010 - Mar, 2017)
  5. Transtechnology Research, University of Plymouth Researcher (Aug, 2014 -  )

Display all 6 results

Association/Committee membership
  1. American Anthropological Association (Dec, 2008 -  ) [UNITED STATES]
Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
  1. Cultural anthropology/folklore studies
Field of study (ReaD) *ReaD = Directory Database of Research and Development Activities
  1. Cultural Anthropology (including Ethnology and Folklore)
Research activities
Academic papers
  1. <Japanese>
    Dynamism in Differentiation of 'Others': Ethnographic Sketches of Muslims in Harlem [(17) (July, 2013) 52 - 78] NAKAMURA, Yutaka
    ・Type of publication
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  2. <Japanese>
    The Harlem Writers Crew as a Cultural Movement: An Exploration into a Shared Realm between Anthropology and Art [(27) (Mar, 2013) 141 - 155] NAKAMURA, Yutaka
    ・Type of publication
    Bulletin of University, Institute, etc
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  3. <Japanese>
    Archive and Its Discontents: Identity Struggle among African-American Muslims [78(2) (Sep, 2013) 225 - 244] NAKAMURA, Yutaka
    ・Type of publication
    Academic Journal
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)

Display all 13 results

Literary works
  1. <Japanese>
    The Uptown Kids: Struggle and Hope in the Projects [(June, 2010)]  
    ・Type of literary work
    The book ( the science book )
    ・Form of literary work
    The simple meaning
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  2. <Japanese>
    Lost and Found [(May, 2013)] Yutaka NAKAMURA, Ayakko OONUMA, Minami HIRAYAMA, Moto YOSHIKUNI
    ・Type of literary work
    ・Form of literary work
    The coeditorship work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  3. <Japanese>
    Howling Harlem: Voices of Muslims on the Street [Editorial Republica (Nov, 2015)] NAKAMURA, Yutaka
    ・Type of literary work
    The book ( the science book )
    ・Form of literary work
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)

Display all 8 results

Reviews and articles
  1. <Japanese>
    Mediator Training: Notes on the Training Workshop on September 5 & 6, 2015 [Mediators News Letter, (6) (Jan, 2016) 2] Yutaka Nakamura
    ・Type of review/article
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  2. <Japanese>
    Book Review on Blacks and Christianity in America: History of Struggle and Modes of Spirituality by Makoto Kurosaki, Kanda University of International Studies Press, 2015 [The Japanese Association for American Studies The American Studies Newsletter, (191) (June, 2016) 7] Yutaka Nakamura
    ・Type of review/article
    Academic Journal
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  3. <Japanese>
    The Pride of Those Have Been Denied: A Book Review on America: The Pride of Diverse Minorities by Jun Kamata [Kyodo News Distributed through Kyodo News to local newspapers (June, 2017)] Yutaka Nakamura
    ・Type of review/article
    ・Type of collaboration
    The simple work
    ・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
Research reports
  1. A comment given at The Impact of Internationalization/Globalization and Cultural Anthropology: At a Critical Moment for Plurality
    ・Type of conference
    The domestic conference
    May, 2015 - May, 2015
    ・Form of publication
    The symposium workshop panel ( nomination )
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  2. Fieldwork: Encountering and Thinking Together: Journey to the Opposite Side of the Planet and to Where I Stand, Public Lecture with Michinobu Niihara and Noboru Nakamura at BUN Cafe
    ・Type of conference
    The domestic conference
    Oct, 2015
    ・Form of publication
    The symposium workshop panel ( nomination )
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)
  3. Art, Tacit Knowledge, Taboo
    ・Type of conference
    The domestic conference
    May, 2016
    ・Form of publication
    The oral ( generality )
    ・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category)

Display all 9 results

Other research activities
  1. Fieldwork Workshop Seminar at Osaka (Sep, 2012)
    ・Type of research activity
  2. Fieldwork Workshop Seminar at Ueda, Nagano, Japan (Sep, 2013)
    ・Type of research activity
  3. Fieldwork Workshop Seminar at Ueda, Nagano, Japan (Sep, 2015)
    ・Type of research activity

Display all 4 results

Updated Sep 25, 2017

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