American Anthropological Association (Dec, 2008 - ) [UNITED STATES]
Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
Cultural anthropology/folklore studies
Field of study (ReaD) *ReaD = Directory Database of Research and Development Activities
Cultural Anthropology (including Ethnology and Folklore)
Research activities
Academic papers
<Japanese> Dynamism in Differentiation of 'Others': Ethnographic Sketches of Muslims in Harlem [(17) (July, 2013) 52 - 78] NAKAMURA, Yutaka
・Type of publication:
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
<Japanese> The Harlem Writers Crew as a Cultural Movement: An Exploration into a Shared Realm between Anthropology and Art [(27) (Mar, 2013) 141 - 155] NAKAMURA, Yutaka
・Type of publication:
Bulletin of University, Institute, etc
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
<Japanese> Archive and Its Discontents: Identity Struggle among African-American Muslims [78(2) (Sep, 2013) 225 - 244] NAKAMURA, Yutaka
・Type of publication:
Academic Journal
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
<Japanese> Mediator Training: Notes on the Training Workshop on September 5 & 6, 2015 [Mediators News Letter, (6) (Jan, 2016) 2] Yutaka Nakamura
・Type of review/article:
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
<Japanese> Book Review on Blacks and Christianity in America: History of Struggle and Modes of Spirituality by Makoto Kurosaki, Kanda University of International Studies Press, 2015 [The Japanese Association for American Studies The American Studies Newsletter, (191) (June, 2016) 7] Yutaka Nakamura
・Type of review/article:
Academic Journal
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
<Japanese> The Pride of Those Have Been Denied: A Book Review on America: The Pride of Diverse Minorities by Jun Kamata [Kyodo News Distributed through Kyodo News to local newspapers (June, 2017)] Yutaka Nakamura
・Type of review/article:
・Type of collaboration:
The simple work
・Field of study code (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
Research reports
A comment given at The Impact of Internationalization/Globalization and Cultural Anthropology: At a Critical Moment for Plurality
・Type of conference:
The domestic conference
May, 2015 - May, 2015
・Form of publication:
The symposium workshop panel ( nomination )
・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
Fieldwork: Encountering and Thinking Together: Journey to the Opposite Side of the Planet and to Where I Stand, Public Lecture with Michinobu Niihara and Noboru Nakamura at BUN Cafe
・Type of conference:
The domestic conference
Oct, 2015
・Form of publication:
The symposium workshop panel ( nomination )
・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):
Art, Tacit Knowledge, Taboo
・Type of conference:
The domestic conference
May, 2016
・Form of publication:
The oral ( generality )
・Field of study (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research category):