Tama Art University Open Access Faculty Database

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Search condition :Tama Art University >>   Faculty of Art and Design >> Department of Sculpture

Results 1 - 10 of about 16

ito kazuhiro [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
ito kazuhiro male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Part-time lecturer Part-time lecturer 2022年04月01日 継続中 Tama Art
ihara koro [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
ihara koro male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Part-time lecturer Tama Art University Faculty of Fine Arts 2011
oka keisuke [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
oka keisuke male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Part-time lecturer Part-time lecturer 2021年04月01日 継続中 Tama Art
okada kentaro [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Apr 01, 2020
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
okada kentaro male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Part-time lecturer Musashino Art University Faculty of Format
OKAMOTO Akio [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
OKAMOTO Akio male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Part-time lecturer Part-time lecturer 2020年04月01日 継続中 Tama Art
KASAHARA Emiko [ Professor ] - Updated May 29, 2019
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
KASAHARA Emiko female Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Professor Tama Art University Faculty of Fine Arts 1985年03
kimura takeshi [ Associate Professor ] - Updated May 16, 2019
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
kimura takeshi male Department Sculpture 2-1723 Yarimizu,Hachioji,Tokyo,japan +81-42-679-5622 +81-42-679-5645 http://www2.tamabi.ac.jp/cgi-bin/choukok
takamine tadasu [ Professor ] - Updated Oct 14, 2021
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
takamine tadasu male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Professor Kyoto City University of Arts Faculty of Fine Art
takayama yosuke [ Associate Professor ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
takayama yosuke male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture Associate Professor Tama Art University Faculty of Fine Art
TAJIMA Shirow [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Mar 30, 2015
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Sculpture
TAJIMA Shirow male 2-1723 Yarimizu,Hachioji,Tokyo +81-42-679-5622 +81-42-679-5645 http://www.tajimashirow.com info@ardiglione.com Tama Art University

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