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Search condition :Tama Art University >>   Faculty of Art and Design >> Department of Product and Textile Design

Results 31 - 40 of about 62

sasaki satoshi [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course
sasaki satoshi male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course Part-time lecturer To
shigeno takashi [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Feb 26, 2016
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course
shigeno takashi male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course Part-time lecturer K
shirasu noriyuki [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course
shirasu noriyuki male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course Part-time lecturer
suzuki masaru [ Visiting professor ] - Updated Mar 21, 2020
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Textile Design Course
suzuki masaru male http://masarusuzuki.com Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Textile Design Cours
SUDO Reiko [ Visiting professor ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Textile Design Course
SUDO Reiko female Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Textile Design Course Visiting professor
SEKIJIMA Hisako [ Visiting professor ] - Updated Sep 26, 2022
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Textile Design Course
SEKIJIMA Hisako female +81-42-679-5625 +81-42-679-5647 Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Textile
takagi shuta [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Mar 31, 2022
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Textile Design Course
takagi shuta male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Textile Design Course Part-time lecturer Toky
TAKEMASA Hideji [ Professor ] - Updated May 23, 2019
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course
TAKEMASA Hideji male http://www.tamabi.ac.jp/dept/cd/index.htm takemasa@tamabi.ac.jp Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Produ
TANAKA Hideki [ Professor ] - Updated May 23, 2019
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course
TANAKA Hideki male +81-42-679-5624 +81-42-676-8463 http://www.tamabi.ac.jp/dept/pd/index.htm tanakah@tamabi.ac.jp Tama Art University Faculty of Art a
TSURUMI Masayuki [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Apr 23, 2013
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course
TSURUMI Masayuki male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Product and Textile Design Product Design Course Part-time lecturer

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