Tama Art University Open Access Faculty Database

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Search condition :Tama Art University >>   Faculty of Art and Design >> Department of Painting >> Graphic Arts Course

Results 1 - 10 of about 29

akiyama shin [ Visiting professor ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
akiyama shin male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Visiting professor Tohoku University Facult
ando shinji [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
ando shinji male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lecturer Tokyo National University
ishikawa mai [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
ishikawa mai female Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lecturer Tama Art University Fa
ueda yaya [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
ueda yaya female Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lecturer Kyoto Seika University Fa
oshio sae [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Mar 21, 2020
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
oshio sae female Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lecturer Tama Art University Facul
OSHIMA Naruki [ Professor ] - Updated Sep 27, 2024
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
OSHIMA Naruki male 2-1723 Yarimzu, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan 192-0394 +81-42-676-8611 +81-42-679-5644 http://www.naruki-oshima.org Tama Art University Fa
OTA Yasutomo [ Part-time lecturer ] - Updated Apr 27, 2021
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
OTA Yasutomo male https://ota-bookarts.jp Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lecturer
Oya Masaaki [ Associate Professor ] - Updated Oct 16, 2021
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
Oya Masaaki male 1972年03月14日 https://www.masaakiohya.com oya@tamabi.ac.jp Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic
ochi narimi [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
ochi narimi female Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lecturer Musashino Art Universit
kano daisuke [ Part-time lecturer ]
Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course
kano daisuke male Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Painting Graphic Arts Course Part-time lecturer Part-time lecturer 2022年

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